


The job of the media is to give a voice to the public, to raise a voice for the public and help it reach the government (its job is) not to raise their voice for the government and brainwash the public.
Nowadays hardly any source of media speaks about the development measures taken by the government or the people, but just some racial talks of cast, inner and outer wars of country, or how a particular race is in danger in a county.
Education, finance, development in science, GDP, jobs, poverty etc are the topics which determine the development of the country the most. But in every 9Pm shows just 3% of the times these issues are bought up and discussed!! Media is a medium to ask direct questions to the government and not to spread propaganda for government itself!!

Look at a case what happens to the journalists who raise their voices for the public and give a voice to them:-
A journalist showed how the children in a school of Uttar Pradesh were being served Rotis with salt as a part of the mid-day meal. That is, there were not being served proper food. In response, the police booked the journalist on charges of criminal conspiracy. And the Utter Pradesh CM, Yogi Adityanath says that there will be proceedings against the journalist. They don't intend on fixing the school, instead, they are after the one who has raised the issue.

This is the truth of today's times in our country. The government has consolidated a strong control over the media, especially the TV media, but there is a ray of hope visible on the INTERNET.
People like you and me raise their voices on the internet freely. There are a lot of online publications and journalists on the internet that can reopen freely. So the question arises is, would it be possible for the government to assume the same kind of control over the internet too? If it indeed is possible what could be the solution for it? what could you and I do to save ourselves?

Let me give u example of China-- There is massive internet censorship in China. In fact report of 2020 stated that china is the worlds worst country in a matter of internet freedom. Their censorship is named as the Great Firewall Of China, in which Google, FB, youtube is banned, China has made clones of its own of these websites. You cannot criticize the government on their website. It is highly under the watch and if you criticize the government the police could even be sent after you.
If you try to search 1989 Tiananmen square protest on Baidu (Chinese search site) you would get nothing, but If you search the same thing on Google, then you'd get the entire story of the protest. The Chinese government doesn't want the public to know about these protests because these protests were for the democracy which they don't want it ever again, people raising voice for their rights.
This censorship has a detrimental effect on China as well as on the Chinese government. Chinese cannot access the internet world and they would not be able to access the innovations and research taking place in the rest of the world. So innovation reduces drastically in China due to this.
This might be the reason behind ( as you might have noticed), there are a lot of western companies like Microsoft and Google, that have Indian CEO's. but have you ever heard of a western company that has a Chinese CEO?
The reason behind internet censorship, in most of the cases across the world, is a cowardly government. You can see this happening in every country.

Media in other countries...

At one time, BBC was banned in Iran, then BBC is banned in Burundi, Rwanda, China, AL Jazeera was banned in Pakistan, as they were giving coverage to the opposition politicians. The Saudi government has clearly stated that for making fun of ( the government) or posting satire on social media you could also be jailed!!.
Even in the UK during the Brexit the referendum was conducted, The politicians of the leaving group had spread massive propaganda of Facebook group. They fooled the people by spreading fake news. The name of Cambridge Analytica too came to the forefront in this regard, where they collect the data of the people using FB, They observed the likes and dislikes of the people to find out which type of people like which things and what is their thought process then, on that bases, they showed personalized ads to such people to convince them that Britain should leave the EU. Later, the scandal of Cambridge Analytica was revealed and we got to know all this when FB displayed all the ads that were used during the campaigning for the referendum.
In Brazil, during the last elections, there was a vast propaganda spread on WhatsApp in favour of Mr Bolsonaro (current president) who shares a picture on his own twitter account stating- some people are standing with guns, and a placard is placed in the middle with a death threat to him. Which was actually a photoshopped image.     Sounds similar right?

Because they all state that somewhere our country is being spoken against. The reason stated is that anti-national things are being said, But in reality, the reason remains that it is the government which is being spoken against and being criticized. These cowardly government do not want criticism against themself.

Media in India...

Let us look at what's the story in India. Situations in India are obviously not bad to this extent, but I'd not want to wait till the day situation gets this bad 
June 2019: Our government told Whatsapp to make its messages traceable so that it could be found out who originally started the message that was being forwarded. Obviously, Whatsapp refused to do so because it has end to end encryption. Nobody can read these messages in Whatsapp, neither the companies outside nor Whatsapp itself.
But the Indian government wanted it done because it said that it wanted to reduce "fake news". Someone go tell the government, their own IT cell spreads the fakest news and it is staking fake news as the reason.
How could the government actually have benefited having done this?
It would become easier to nab journalist like the ones who are exposing the mid-day meals scams. If someone is writing against the government, or raising questions to it, then it would become easier for the government to nab them.
The GI-GO, garbage in-garbage out means that it matters is what kind of stuff we put in our head?  All this simply increases silent racism amongst each other which is decided by someone else.


1 comment:

  1. This one just became my favorite out of all the articles on this page. It literally had something which I too had in my mind from quite a long time. Thanks for this one
