
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden

  Donald Trump vs Joe Biden 
So here will mainly focus on the 2 contexts- 1st is US-China trade war and 2nd is US presidential race and finally what will be the effects of this on India. A trade war starts when a nation attempts to protect its domestic industry and create domestic jobs. The US was having a trade deficit of around $600 billion with China alone. Visible signs of a trade war started in March 2018 when Trump announced an additional tariff on the export of aluminium and steel.
Meaning: Exports from China to the US become costlier.

India could be a winner in the US-China trade war.
India is a major stakeholder in the world trade market given its huge market at a population of $1.3 billion. The US could open up its markets for Indian goods and services. Export to the US grew $9.46 to $52.4 billion. As many as 203 Indian goods are likely to displace Chinese exports to the US, like rubber, carpets, graphite electrodes, etc. And if the trade war stretches for a long time, India could be a major benefactor. 
US presidential race:- There are 2 major parties, one is Republicans led by Donald Trump and 2nd is Democrats led by Joe Biden.  

Trump: Trump basically pushes aggressive " America First" message to world leaders. They will create jobs, support industries, reduce the imports as much as possible especially from China!! Trump is also warned of consequences if China is "knowingly responsible" for coronavirus. All these things make Trump highly critical of China. This also means that if Trump gets in the power again then definitely it will lead to escalating in US-China trade war! 
But the protest again racism is increasing day by day in the US which can lead to a major shift of vote in the favour of Biden.

Even companies are critical of china-
October 2019: 60% of companies said the US and China can't be decoupled. This percentage dropped to 44% in March 2020. By this, we can surely say that there is a change in mindset in the US companies.

Biden: Biden, as vice president at the times of Obama, took his son Hunter Biden to Beijing in 2013. Days later, Hunter's firm becomes a partner in a new Bank of China-backed investment company that raised more than $1.5 billion. Later in 2017, hunter Biden was granted a Xiachai, a  Sinecure (sinecure is a position requiring little or no work but gives the holder status or financial benefit.) reserved for offspring of important officials, at BHR Partner (BHR is a $20 billion fund with shareholders that include china life, china development bank and other state-owned entities) All this data shows a clear interest of Biden with china!! And China is very much aware of this! 
In 2010: Biden said "A rising china is a... positive development not only for China but for America"
May 2019: Biden mocked president Donald trump's trade war with China by downplaying the threats. "China is going to eat our lunch? Come on man... they're not bad folks."
Even the propaganda which is been carried out is " Trump vs China Joe"
Who is better for India? Biden or Trump
Trump(America first) means strengthens of US-China trade war.
Biden means weakening of US-China trade war.
Now you have to decide, what is beneficial for India and India's foreign policies!!

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