
All About BREXIT

All About BREXIT...!!

Brexit happened on 31st Jan 2020 ie. united kingdom separated itself from the European Union. this is a very important lesson in geopolitical because it compels you to think, what is nationalism? what is a nation? and what is a country?

First of all the story of the united kingdom itself is very interesting, it is a country formed by the amalgamation of four other countries - England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. These four countries together constitute the United Kingdom, which itself is a country you would ask how is this possible?
They are four separate countries and yet constitute one country together. but this is possible? In some respects, the united kingdom is a sole country and in some respects, they are four separate countries. You can see in cricket - England has a separate team and Scotland has a separate one, but in the Olympics, the entire united kingdom has a single team. Looking at the government, the entire united kingdom has the same parliament as well as the same currency but all there four countries have their own separate flags.
In fact, the website of the prime minister of UK readers that "the UK is the countries within a country".
Another interesting thing is that before the Brexit referendum in 2014, a referendum was conducted in Scotland in which the people were asked whether they wanted Scotland to remain a part of UK  or wanted to be an independent country just like Ireland, then 55% of people voted for Scotland to remain a part of the UK, now keep this in mind because it is relevant ahead and quite related to the Brexit referendum.

The Border Between Belgium And The
Netherlands In A Cafe.

Now let's move to the European Union. Germany France Spain Portugal Italy and 28 different European countries together formed a union which is called the European Union, like there are no borders between these countries. Just like no border checks for going from Uttar Pradesh to Bihar similarly, you can go from Spain to Germany and soo on.

 Why do the UK & EU exist? 

Now you'd think why has this been done?
What was the point of the formation of the European Union?
Why can't their countries stay in separate countries just like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh?
Why can't the countries stay this way? 
There is a very important reason behind this:-- when the European Union was formed, its main purpose was the promotion of peace amongst these countries. They were formed after WW2 and as you know the European countries were fighting amongst each other in WW1 & WW2. But after the demise of Hitler, they decided that they had enough of fights and for getting in peace we need to get in a union form. So in 1950-60, they started joining in and union become stronger. They do not even stand as a wave of peace but as a superpower on the world map. For the access of business, for compensation one country advantage with other countries disadvantage.

  • workers can be transported as per the requirement,  
  • access to the markets of European countries becomes much easier, 
  • soo there is a huge advantage in every aspect.  but the strength of the union is its weakness too!!

Why Brexit?

The European Union stated that every country has to take a fixed number of refugees within their country in the proportion of its population. this upset a lot of people. Thereafter, feelings of not staying apart the EU began to take root in some people.
So that they would be empowered to make the decision for their country on their own. This was especially seen in Britain where the right-wing party- the Conservative party, took advantage of this and told the people that they want to break out of the EU and pressure was mounted and made a referendum. By the voting of 52%, people voted to leave EU, by running a huge amount of propaganda like- fake news, scaring people which compelled the people to vote in favour of Brexit and the people voting for there was belonging to lower-income groups, where victims of unemployment, lived in the rural regions and were aged people. And for 4 years people were discussing how to do Brexit and what treaty should they be having with EU after that. on 31st Jan 2020, Brexit happened.

Now there will be applications of tariffs in between UK and EU for imports and exports, the trade will become difficult. The bad news for the UK is that 1/3rd of the imports of UK are from EU, soo there will be an increase in the cost.
A study of 2018 reveals that there was a loss of 5.5% of GDP on the UK economy.
Scotland majority of people voted to stay with the EU, now what is happening is the people are upset in Scotland. they want to file a new referendum to break away from the UK and join the EU.
Now u can think of it: what the people of Scotland are trying to do?
are they anti-national because they want to separate from the UK?
or are they nationalists because they are thinking about their own county- Scotland and the Scottish people?
or are they internalists because Scotland becomes a part of the EU?
IS THIS CORRECT? from the perspective of nationalism, internationalism and regionalism?
In my opinion, one thing is very clear from this situation and that is we should not give much importance to these words.

Impact on India

It's a major loss for India of a close ally in the EU, where the UK has always supported India in FTA ( Free Trade Agreement ).
gateway to Europe-companies from UK (for EU) because of common language of English, cultural ties, & London is a financial hub as well.
IMF and World Bank stated there will be a negative impact on the world, wherein 0.5% economy of the world can be reduced because of this.
But for the long term India, China, Asia can be the opportunity for the new markets.

In reality, a country, a nation is an imaginary thing. group of people believe that a nation or a country exist at a place then the nation will exist and if not then it won't exist. 


  1. Really amazing and informative!!❤️
    Keep up the good work Amisha ❤️❤️

  2. Great Blog Amisha !! Very Informative ;-)

  3. Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it.❤️
