


A few days before I was listening to the audiobook of "The great successor- by Anna Fifield" and coincidently a piece of news was popout about the Kim Jong-un!!!
Alerts from American journalists and news publications- especially from CNN's chief Nationals security correspondent Jim Sciutto- claiming the US was monitoring "intelligence" that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's health had deteriorated following surgery then Katy Tur from the US broadcaster NBC tweeted that Kim was purported "brain dead, according to US officials" following " cardiac surgery and had slipped into a coma... @NBC News confirms..."  and her tweet was deleted shortly after. 
This was also stated because just like Christmas & Diwali is celebrated, They have "The day of the Sun" on 15th April, birth anniversary of Kim II-sang, founder and Eternal President of North Korea. Now whatever happens Kim Jong will never miss the festival!!  (unless any tensions with US & South Korea of course)
So this time he was not present for the occasion and the news of him having surgery raised the ears of US journalist.

  But very soon Reports from south Korea government officials soon emerged, saying the US journalist' claims about Kim Jong-un were not accurate, his health can be bad but he isn't in a coma.
This full episode has put a larger question in front of us, what will be the impact on the leadership of North Korea because of this? whether the world should worry about the Kim successor and North Korea?? I personally say we should definitely think about this topic. You can surely comment your thoughts below!

This book stated that the overall health of Kim is terrible if you see his from his physic. From the age of 14 itself, he is having health problems. Once he was undergrounded for 30 days because of a heart attack and we weren't able to walk, and recently in a summit with Moon Jae-in in the president of South Korea, that time he was supposed to perform some activities like tree plantations and all, so the South Korean president whose age is 64, he was able to do it very easily, but Kim had a lot of trouble like the puffing of breath. Another interesting fact in this book was height 5'7" 300kg and aged-36!!
"Verdict of south Korean doctors who assessed Kim Jong un's health based on unedited footage of his at the summit with the South Korean and American presidents". 

Indeed, the meanings offered unfiltered insights into what may be Kim Jong Un's biggest risk factor: his health. The young leader looks like a heart attack waiting to happen and has clearly and health problems.

What if Kim Jong Un dies?

If the dictator of this unstable country is dead, what will happen with this country? because his successor isn't clear yet, basically after him who will handle North Korea? Kim's children's are young and unknown to the public. His brother was assassinated in a Malaysian airport,( well reports said this assassination was planned by Kim jong itself, to avoid any possibilities for his brother to be the president)   His wife has been visible but exercises no political power. And Kim's sister could be a contender for the power, but North Korea has never seen a woman leading the county since its inception. So if we look at the overall pictures we have no clue about who will be the next leader.


The worst case of the power transition would be a bitter factional struggle and violent breakdown in the north's political system. The result could be mass refugee flows as the 60-70% of the population is below the poverty line and when they get to know there leader is no longer alive, that people will start crossing the South Korean borders and even to cross the yellow sea and enter in China, then losses nuclear, the chemical had biological weapons. so during this chaos, these weapons can go under wrong hands and can get leaked, and pressure for both china and south Korea to intervene, this is very much a possibility!
Indeed " there is a reasonable possibility that North Korean totalitarianism will end in the foreseeable future, with the extreme likelihood that this end will be accompanied by considerable violence and upheaval." 
We don't know how long Kim will survive, it may happen after 5 years or 10 or maybe even tomorrow. Other world leaders and countries cannot do much of a thing, this is not in our hand but the only thing which is in our control is that, that major countries should come together and discuss the action plan that is North Korea collapse as published in various reports,  the world should not feel surprised and every country must have its own decided roll and as fast as possible we should stabilise bring it in control.
AND this is a threat amongst itself and for world peace. I would genuinely say that countries like China, Russia, South Korea the US which is involved in North Korea peace process should come together and create an unofficial plan for a possible North Korea collapse by which the damages could be very much limited!! 

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